


RAD Surf and Board: Restoring A Dream

At RAD Surf and Board, we are more than just a non-profit organization. We are a family dedicated to restoring hope in the lives of children who have been diagnosed with cancers, pediatric diseases, genetic disorders, and mental health challenges. Our mission is to transform mindsets and overcome hardship by harnessing the healing power of the ocean and promoting a healthy way of living.

Embracing the Healing Power of the Ocean

The ocean has always been a source of wonder and inspiration for countless individuals throughout history. At RAD, we recognized the potential of the ocean as a natural therapy for those facing difficult battles. We believe in the transformative power of riding the waves as a tool for restoring hope, joy, and strength to children facing physical and psychological challenges.

Utilizing Surfing and a Healthy Way of Living

Surfing goes beyond the act of gliding across the water on a board. It is a way of life that teaches discipline, resilience, and courage. We utilize this powerful sport to instill these qualities in our young warriors, who are often facing unimaginable challenges. Through our programs, they learn firsthand the value of perseverance, teamwork, and embracing the present moment as they navigate the ever-changing tides.

Empowering Children, Transforming Mindsets

At RAD Surf and Board, we understand that healing is not solely physical. The emotional and mental well-being of our children is equally crucial. We provide a safe and supportive environment where they can express their fears, frustrations, and dreams freely. Through our therapy programs, we empower them to take control of their lives, redefine their limitations, and dare to dream once again.

Restoring Hope, One Wave at a Time

Our commitment to restore hope in the lives of children facing immense challenges drives us each and every day. We rely on the generosity of our donors, volunteers, and partners to make a lasting impact in the lives of these brave warriors. With their support, we are able to provide not only surfing lessons but also comprehensive resources, counseling, and opportunities for personal growth, ensuring that our programs create lasting positive change.

Join Us in Restoring Dreams

Whether you are an individual, a corporation, or a community organization, you can be a part of the RAD Surf and Board family. Your contributions, big or small, will make a difference in the lives of children who need it most. Together, we can restore dreams and inspire a future full of hope and possibilities.
Join us at RAD Surf and Board, where the waves whisper stories of courage, resilience, and restoration. Together, we can create powerful ripples of change in the lives of children facing formidable battles, proving that with love, support, and a passion for living, anything is possible.

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The founder

Meet the founder of Restoring A Dream(RAD)

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